Should I Invest in a Property with an HOA?

Should I Invest in a Property with an HOA?

Many investors set out searching for prime real estate, but are instead greeted with a homeowner’s association, or HOA. Unless you already own a property with an HOA, 你可能对HOA是什么以及它们是如何运作的了解有限. 你可能也在想,“我应该投资有HOA的房产吗??”

Investing in HOA requires more effort, 因为你将不得不处理大量的监督和限制. Many investors find it worth the added challenges, though.

Before investing in a property protected by an HOA, you must consider several things, from fees to upkeep.

So, should you invest in a property with an HOA? Let’s dive in.

What is An HOA?

在决定是否投资HOA房产之前,确切了解这意味着什么是至关重要的. HOA stands for Homeowners’ Association. 它们的主要目标是通过小型理事机构管理住宅社区. 他们努力确保房主在他们的社区内保持特定的标准, 如果你购买了受居屋计划保护的物业,你就自动成为居屋计划的成员. 通常,业主协会的成员投票选出一个管理协会的董事会.

An HOA regularly maintains its community pools, playgrounds, and other amenities and, in exchange, the members pay a monthly or annual fee. 所有的业务费用都由这些费用支付.

The types of properties that may belong to HOA are diverse, and may include single-family homes, condominiums, and townhomes.

Benefits of Investing in an HOA Property

投资受HOA保护的房产会给你带来很多好处. As an investor, you may enjoy reduced upkeep responsibilities, attractive community amenities, and high standards in the community.

Reduced Upkeep Responsibilities

In many cases, 业主协会会为你承担所有日常维护的责任. 你只需要支付业主协会的费用,他们就会照顾你的草坪和管道, fix your roof, remove the trash, shovel snow from the front walk, manage typical landscaping, complete pest control, and more.

While some people enjoy doing all of this on their own, many investors, specifically those with large or growing portfolios, enjoy having as few responsibilities as possible.

Exciting Amenities

有些居屋计划亦提供及维修各种设施,以吸引不同类型的居民. 提供令人难以置信的设施是吸引居民并确保他们留下来的好方法.

Some of these amenities might include community clubhouses, pools, saunas, modern grills, a golf course, tennis courts, walking trails, and even community-wide social events.

And to top it all off, 房屋协会通常负责照顾和维护所有这些房屋. 居民拥有的设施越多,你的投资就越有价值

The HOA Disputes Problems Between Neighbors

房主协会做的不仅仅是照顾你的草坪和维护你的设施, though. They also help mediate problems between neighbors. 如果居民违反任何规则或规定,那么HOA将作为争议方.

For example, 如果一个居民和邻居有矛盾,而你不想造成不必要的紧张, 你可以联系房主协会,让他们为你解决这个问题. No more time spent mediating conflicts!

Keeps The Value Of The Property High

Unfortunately, in some cases, 随着时间的推移,房地产投资的外观和价值可能会下降. HOA bylaws are written to help prevent these negative effects. For example, like leaving random belongings on the porch, consistently dirty driveways, and overgrown yards may be explicitly disallowed.

从本质上讲,把一处房产弄得一团糟会导致整个社区失去价值. HOAs help ensure any one resident can’t trash the whole block.

Disadvantages Of Investing In A Property With An HOA

虽然有一些很好的理由投资于受hoa保护的财产, there are also a few downsides as well. For example, the regular HOA fees can cut into your profits, and the strict bylaws can interfere with your investment goals.

HOA Fees Disrupt Cash Flow

如果你聘请第三方或自己做,房屋业主协会为照顾和维护你的房产而收取的月费或年费通常会减少. 所以,当涉及到你的投资回报时,它可能代表着一个重大的损失. 费用从几百美元到几千美元不等.

Bylaws Can Interfere With the Rental Process

根据章程,您可能无法在HOA内购买物业后将其出租. 一些业主协会要求你拥有房产一段时间后才能出租.


Unexpected Owner Assessments Are Expensive

HOA可能会随机进行评估,这可能会相当昂贵. In an assessment, HOA决定某些部件需要更换或修理, and the owners are responsible for footing the bill.

For example, 也许房主协会决定所有的社区屋顶都需要更换. To fund the job, the homeowners must pay $4,000 each. What’s more, if you sleep on the assessment, you’ll be penalized for violating the contract you signed.

Should You Invest in a Property With an HOA?

当谈到你是否应该投资拥有HOA的房产时,没有一个正确的答案. While a homeowner’s association can be a great tool for many, for some investors, it simply doesn’t make much sense. 花点时间回顾一下利弊,重新审视你的策略,然后 investing goals, and always read contracts and bylaws extremely carefully. Advice from a real estate attorney never hurts, either!

